Vaughan and Lauren Manuel McShane
Cape Town
Travel bloggers

Vaughan and Lauren Manuel McShane

Top travel bloggers and husband and wife modern-day nomads Vaughan and Lauren Manuel McShane write travel tales, guides and tips for travellers on their award-winning blog The Travel Manuel. They’ve lived in five different countries, visited six continents and cover outdoor adventures, off-the-grid culture and cuisine pieces. Ocean lovers, watersports enthusiasts and nature seekers, Vaughan and Lauren only leave tropical islands long enough to visit World Heritage cities. Find them chasing sunsets, arriving at breakfast way too early (life with a baby) and sipping tons of cappuccinos.

Top travel memory: "One of our favourite travel memories is also one of the best adventures my husband and I had in South East Asia before our son was born. We visited Bali, rented a jeep and drove as far from the crowds as we could. We ended up at a farm stay in the mountains of Bataukaru close to endless rice paddies and forests of coffee, fruit and vegetation. We joined the villagers as they walked down to the sea in an annual Melasti festival and looked on as they danced, played instruments and offered up prayers to their gods. We love off-the-grid travel and this was one of those special trips where we found ourselves truly immersed in the lifestyle of the people who called this surreal region home. We would return in a heartbeat."